Source code for lost.pyapi.utils.vis

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import numpy as np

[docs]def boxes(script, img_anno, figsize=(15,15), fontsize=15, label_offset=(0,15)): '''Draw bboxes on into an matplotlib figures Args: script (lost.pyapi.script.Script): The script object that uses this method. img_anno (lost.pyapi.annos.ImageAnno): The image anno where bboxes should be visualized for. figsize (tuple): Size of the matplotlib figure fontsize (ing): Fontsize in pixels for label display label_offset (tuple): Position of the label in pixels in relation to the upper left corner of the box. Returns: Matplotlib figure ''' lbls = img_anno.bbox_lbl_names_vec return _boxes(script.get_abs_path(img_anno.img_path), img_anno.bbox_vec, lbls, figsize=figsize, fontsize=fontsize, label_offset=label_offset)
def _boxes(img, bb_list, lbls=None, figsize=(15,15), fontsize=15, label_offset=(0, 15)): '''Draw bboxes on into an matplotlib figures Args: img (str or array): Path to an image file or an image as numpy rgb array. bb_list (list): List of bboxes in format, [ [xc, yc, width, height], [...] ] Values are considered to be relative. lbls (list): List of labels corresponding to bb_list figsize (tuple): Size of the matplotlib figure. Returns: Matplotlib figure ''' fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=figsize) if isinstance(img, str): img = ax.imshow(img) for idx, bb in enumerate(bb_list): if not np.isnan(bb[0]): w = bb[2] * img.shape[1] h = bb[3] * img.shape[0] x = bb[0] * img.shape[1] - w/2.0 y = bb[1] *img.shape[0] - h/2.0 bbox = patches.Rectangle((x,y),w,h,linewidth=2,edgecolor='r',facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(bbox) if lbls is not None: try: if lbls[idx] is not None: ax.text(x-label_offset[0], y-label_offset[1], lbls[idx], color='r', fontsize=fontsize) except IndexError: pass fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def vis_tracks(img, tracks, frame_n, dots=15, figsize=(10,10), dot_radius=5, linewidth=2): '''Visualize a track on image Args: img (array or str): An RGB image or path to the image file. tracks (array): [[frame_n, track_id, xc, yc, w, h]...[...]] Box is defined relative to the image. frame_n (int): The frame number belonning to the image dots (int): Number of dots that will be displayed. Past locations that will be visualized. figsize (tuple): (int,int) Size of the figure to display. dot_radius (int): Radius of the first dot. linewidth (int): Linewidth of the box to draw. Returns: Matplotlib figure ''' if type(img) == str: my_img = else: my_img = img fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=figsize) ax.imshow(my_img) for track_id in np.unique(tracks[:,1]): #for track_id in [0]: dot_color = #print('dot_color', dot_color) #print(track_id) track = tracks[tracks[:,1]==track_id] boxes = track[track[:,0]<=frame_n] #reverse boxes order boxes = np.flip(boxes, 0) # if object is still present in current frame #if boxes.size > 0 and boxes[0][0] == frame_n: #print('boxes', boxes[0]) for i, box in enumerate(boxes): if box.size > 0: #print(box) x = box[2] * img.shape[1] y = box[3] * img.shape[0] w = box[4] * img.shape[1] h = box[5] * img.shape[0] if i == 0 and box[0] == frame_n: #print('original box', box) #print('drawn box',(x-w/2,y-h/2,w,h)) bbox = patches.Rectangle((x-w/2,y-h/2),w,h,linewidth=linewidth,edgecolor=dot_color,facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(bbox) #print('dot_color',dot_color) #dot = patches.Circle((x, y), radius=dot_radius-(dot_radius/dots)*i, color=dot_color) dot = patches.Circle((x, y), radius=dot_radius* 1.0/(frame_n+1-box[0]), color=dot_color, alpha=0.8) #dot = patches.Circle((x, y), radius=dot_radius , color=dot_color, alpha=1.0/(box[0]+1 - frame_n)) ax.add_patch(dot) if (i+1) >= dots: break return fig