Welcome to LOST’s documentation!


LOST features in a nutshell.

About LOST

LOST (Label Object and Save Time) is a flexible web-based framework for semi-automatic image annotation. It provides multiple annotation interfaces for fast image annotation.

LOST is flexible since it allows to run user defined annotation pipelines where different annotation interfaces/ tools and algorithms can be combined in one process.

It is web-based since the whole annotation process is visualized in your browser. You can quickly setup LOST with docker on your local machine or run it on a web server to make an annotation process available to your annotators around the world. LOST allows to organize label trees, to monitor the state of an annotation process and to do annotations inside the browser.

LOST was especially designed to model semi-automatic annotation pipelines to speed up the annotation process. Such a semi-automatic can be achieved by using AI generated annotation proposals that are presented to an annotator inside the annotation tool.


Indices and tables