Source code for lost.pyapi.utils.anno_helper

'''A module with helper methods to tranform annotations into different 
formats and to crop annotations from an image.

from lost.db import model
import numpy as np
from skimage.draw import polygon_perimeter, circle, line
from skimage.color import gray2rgb

[docs]def trans_boxes_to(boxes, convert_to='minmax'): '''Transform a box from standard lost format into a different format Args: boxes (list of list): Boxes in standard lost format [[xc,yc,w,h],...] convert_to (str): *minmax* -> [[xmim,ymin,xmax,ymax]...] Returns: list of list: Converted boxes. ''' old = np.array(boxes) new = old.copy() if convert_to == 'minmax': new[:,[0,1]] = old[:,[0,1]] - old[:,[2,3]] / 2.0 new[:,[2,3]] = old[:,[0,1]] + old[:,[2,3]] / 2.0 new[new < 0.0] = 0.0 new[new > 1.0] = 1.0 return new else: raise Exception('Unknown convert_to format: {}'.format(convert_to))
[docs]def to_abs(annos, types, img_size): '''Convert relative annotation coordinates to absolute ones Args: annos (list of list): types (list of str): img_size (tuple): (width, height) of the image in pixels. Returns: list of list: Annotations in absolute format. ''' w, h = img_size new = [] for twod, t in zip(annos,types): if t == 'bbox': new.append([ twod[0]*w, twod[1]*h, twod[2]*w, twod[3]*h ]) elif t == 'line' or t == 'polygon': lp = np.array(twod) lp[:,0] = lp[:,0]*w lp[:,1] = lp[:,1]*h new.append(lp.tolist()) elif t=='point': new.append([twod[0]*w, twod[1]*h]) else: raise Exception('Unknown annotation type: {}'.format(t)) return np.array(new, dtype=int).tolist()
[docs]def calc_box_for_anno(annos, types, point_padding=0.05): '''Calculate a bouning box for an arbitrary 2DAnnotation. Args: annos (list): List of annotations. types (list): List of types. point_padding (float, optional): In case of a point we need to add some padding to get a box. Returns: list: A list of bounding boxes in format [[xc,yc,w,h],...] ''' new = [] for anno, t in zip(annos, types): if np.max(anno) > 1.0: raise ValueError('Annotation are expected to be in relative format! But found: {}'.format(anno)) if t == 'bbox': new.append(anno) elif t== 'point': new.append([anno[0], anno[1], point_padding, point_padding]) else: lp = np.array(anno) xymin = np.min(lp, axis=0) xymin[xymin < 0.0] = 0.0 xmin, ymin = xymin xmax, ymax = np.max(lp, axis=0) w = xmax - xmin h = ymax - ymin xc = xmin + w/2.0 yc = ymin + h/2.0 new.append([xc, yc, w, h]) return new
def _add_context(boxes, context, img_size): '''Add context around a bounding box. Args: boxes (list of list of int): Boxes in format [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax],...] context (float): Context will be calculated reative to the image size. img_size (tuple): (width, height) of the image in pixels Returns: Boxes in absolute format. ''' img_w, img_h = img_size old = np.array(boxes) new = old.copy() wh = np.zeros((len(boxes),2)) wh = old[:,[2,3]] - old[:,[0,1]] new[:,0] -= int(context * img_w) new[:,2] += int(context * img_w) new[:,1] -= int(context * img_h) new[:,3] += int(context * img_h) new[new < 0] = 0 new[:,2][new[:,2] > img_w] = img_w new[:,3][new[:,3] > img_h] = img_h return new.tolist()
[docs]def draw_annos(annos, types, img, color=(255,0,0), point_r=2): '''Draw annotations inside a image Args: annos (list): List of annotations. types (list): List of types. img (numpy.array): The image to draw annotations in. color (tuple): (R,G,B) color that is used for drawing. Note: The given image will be directly edited! Returns: numpy.array: Image with drawn annotations ''' if annos: if len(img.shape) < 3: img = gray2rgb(img) img_h, img_w, _ = img.shape for anno, t in zip(annos, types): if t == 'bbox': anno = trans_boxes_to([anno])[0] anno = to_abs([anno], [t], (img_w, img_h))[0] xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = anno rr, cc = polygon_perimeter([ymin, ymin, ymax, ymax], [xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin ], shape=img.shape) elif t == 'polygon': anno = to_abs([anno], [t], (img_w, img_h))[0] anno = np.array(anno) rr, cc = polygon_perimeter(anno[:,1].tolist(), anno[:,0].tolist(), shape=img.shape) elif t == 'point': anno = to_abs([anno], [t], (img_w, img_h))[0] rr, cc = circle(anno[1], anno[0], point_r, shape=img.shape) elif t == 'line': anno = to_abs([anno], [t], (img_w, img_h))[0] for i, point in enumerate(anno): if i >= (len(anno)-1): break rr, cc = line(point[1], point[0], anno[i+1][1], anno[i+1][0]) img[rr,cc] = color else: raise ValueError('Unknown annotation type: {}'.format(t)) img[rr,cc] = color return img else: return []
[docs]def crop_boxes(annos, types, img, context=0.0, draw_annotations=False): '''Crop a bounding boxes for TwoDAnnos from image. Args: annos (list): List of annotations. types (list): List of types. img (numpy.array): The image where boxes should be cropped from. context (float): The context that should be added to the box. draw_annotations (bool): If true, annotation will be painted inside the crop. Return: (list of numpy.array, list of list of float): A tuple that contains a list of image crops and a list of bboxes [[xc,yc,w,h],...] ''' if annos: crops = [] new_img = img anno_boxes = calc_box_for_anno(annos, types) boxes = trans_boxes_to(anno_boxes) if len(img.shape) < 3: img = gray2rgb(img) img_h, img_w, _ = img.shape boxes = to_abs(boxes, ['bbox']*len(boxes), (img_w,img_h)) if context != 0.0: boxes = _add_context(boxes, context, (img_w, img_h)) boxes = np.array(boxes, dtype=int).tolist() for idx, box in enumerate(boxes): if draw_annotations: new_img = img.copy() draw_annos([annos[idx]], [types[idx]], new_img) # image[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] crops.append(new_img[box[1]:box[3], box[0]:box[2]]) return crops, anno_boxes else: return [], []
[docs]def divide_into_patches(img, x_splits=2, y_splits=2,): '''Divide image into x_splits*y_splits patches. Args: img (array): RGB image ( x_splits (int): Number of elements on x axis. y_splits (int): Number of elements on y axis. Returns: list, list: img_patches, box_coordinates img batches and box coordinates of these patches in the image. Note: img_patches are in following order: [[x0,y0], [x0,y1],...[x0,yn],...,[xn,y0], [xn, y1]...[xn,yn]] ''' img_h, img_w, _ = img.shape patch_h = int(img_h/y_splits) patch_w = int(img_w/x_splits) # Divide image into patches x_range = list(range(x_splits)) y_range = list(range(y_splits)) patch_list = [] box_coordinates = [] for x_i in x_range: x_start = x_i * patch_w for y_i in y_range: y_start = y_i * patch_h img_patch = img[y_start:y_start+patch_h, x_start:x_start+patch_w] patch_list.append(img_patch) box_coordinates.append([ (x_start+patch_w/2.0)/img_w, (y_start+patch_h/2.0)/img_h, patch_w/img_w, patch_h/img_h ]) return patch_list, box_coordinates