Source code for lost.pyapi.pipe_elements

import lost
import os
import pandas as pd
from lost.db import dtype
from lost.pyapi.pe_base import Element
from lost.pyapi import script

[docs]class RawFile(Element): def __init__(self, pe, dbm): '''RawFile: Represents a file or folder in the filesystem. Args: pe (object): :class:`lost.db.model.PipeElement` dbm (object): Database Management object. Note: It is essential the same as a Datasource. ''' super().__init__(pe, dbm) @property def path(self): '''str: Absolute path to file or folder''' return self._fm.get_abs_path(self._pipe_element.datasource.raw_file_path)
[docs]class Datasource(Element): def __init__(self, pe, dbm): '''Represents a file or folder in the filesystem. Args: pe (object): :class:`lost.db.model.PipeElement` dbm (object): Database Management object. ''' super().__init__(pe, dbm) @property def path(self): '''str: Absolute path to file or folder''' return self._fm.get_abs_path(self._pipe_element.datasource.raw_file_path)
[docs]class AnnoTask(Element): def __init__(self, pe, dbm): super().__init__(pe, dbm) self._anno_task = pe.anno_task #type: lost.db.model.AnnotationTask @property def idx(self): return self._anno_task.idx @property def possible_label_df(self): '''pd.DataFrame: Get all possible labels for this annotation task in DataFrame format pd.DataFrame: Column names are: 'idx', 'name', 'abbreviation', 'description', 'timestamp', 'external_id', 'is_deleted', 'parent_leaf_id' ,'is_root' ''' lbl_list = list() req_categories = self._anno_task.req_label_leaves for category in req_categories: parent_leaf = category.label_leaf for leaf in parent_leaf.label_leaves: lbl_list.append(leaf.to_df()) lbl_df = pd.concat(lbl_list) return lbl_df @property def instructions(self): '''str: Instructions for the annotator of this AnnoTask. ''' return self._anno_task.instructions @property def name(self): '''str: A name for this annotask. ''' return @property def configuration(self): '''str: Configuration of this annotask. ''' return self._anno_task.configuration @property def progress(self): '''float: Progress in percent. Value range 0...100. ''' return self._anno_task.progress
[docs]class MIATask(AnnoTask): def __init__(self, pe, dbm): super().__init__(pe, dbm)
[docs]class SIATask(AnnoTask): def __init__(self, pe, dbm): super().__init__(pe, dbm)
[docs]class Loop(Element): def __init__(self, pe, dbm): super().__init__(pe, dbm) self._loop = pe.loop #type: lost.db.model.Loop @property def max_iteration(self): '''int: Maximum number of iteration.''' return self._loop.max_iteration @property def iteration(self): '''int: Current iteration of this loop.''' return self._loop.iteration @property def is_broken(self): '''bool: True if loop is broken''' return self._loop.break_loop @property def pe_jump(self): '''PipelineElement where this loop will jump to when looping. Can be of type: * :class:`lost.pyapi.script.Script` * :class:`lost.pyapi.pipe_elements.AnnoTask` * :class:`lost.pyapi.pipe_elements.Datasource` * :class:`lost.pyapi.pipe_elements.VisualOutput` * :class:`lost.pyapi.pipe_elements.DataExport` * :class:`lost.pyapi.pipe_elements.Loop` ''' if self._loop.pe_jump.dtype == dtype.PipeElement.ANNO_TASK: return AnnoTask(self._pipe_element, self._dbm) elif self._loop.pe_jump.dtype == dtype.PipeElement.DATA_EXPORT: return DataExport(self._pipe_element, self._dbm) elif self._loop.pe_jump.dtype == dtype.PipeElement.VISUALIZATION: return VisualOutput(self._pipe_element, self._dbm) elif self._loop.pe_jump.dtype == dtype.PipeElement.DATASOURCE: return Datasource(self._pipe_element, self._dbm) elif self._loop.pe_jump.dtype == dtype.PipeElement.SCRIPT: return script.Script(self._pipe_element.idx)
[docs]class DataExport(Element): def __init__(self, pe, dbm): '''Represents a DataExport element. Args: pe (object): :class:`lost.db.model.PipeElement` dbm (object): Database Management object. Note: Please note that a DataExport element can contain multiple exported files. ''' super().__init__(pe, dbm) self.data_exports = [] for result in self._pipe_element.result_in: for export in result.data_exports: self.data_exports.append(export) @property def file_path(self): '''list of str: A list of absolute path to exported files''' path_list = [] for export in self.data_exports: path_list.append(self._fm.get_abs_path(export.file_path)) return path_list
[docs] def to_dict(self): '''Transform a list of exports to a dictionary. Returns: list of dict: [{'iteration':int, 'file_path':str},...] ''' d_list = [] for export in self.data_exports: d_list.append( { 'iteration': export.iteration, 'file_path': self._fm.get_abs_path(export.file_path) } ) return d_list
[docs]class VisualOutput(Element): def __init__(self, pe, dbm): '''Represents a VisualOutput element. Args: pe (object): :class:`lost.db.model.PipeElement` dbm (object): Database Management object. Note: A VisualOutput element can contain multiple images and html strings. ''' super().__init__(pe, dbm) self.v_outs = [] for result in self._pipe_element.result_in: for v_out in result.visual_outputs: self.v_outs.append(v_out) @property def img_paths(self): '''list of str: List of absolute paths to images.''' path_list = [] for v_out in self.v_outs: path_list.append(self._fm.get_abs_path(v_out.file_path)) return path_list @property def html_strings(self): '''list of str: list of html strings.''' path_list = [] for v_out in self.v_outs: path_list.append(self._fm.get_abs_path(v_out.file_path)) return path_list
[docs] def to_dict(self): '''Transforms a list of visualization information into a list of dicts. Returns: list of dicts: [{'iteration':int, 'img_path':str, 'html_string':str},...] ''' d_list = [] for v_out in self.v_outs: d_list.append( { 'iteration': v_out.iteration, 'img_path': self._fm.get_abs_path(v_out.img_path), 'html_string': v_out.html_string } ) return d_list