Source code for lost.logic.label

import lost
import json
from lost.db import model
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
__author__ = "Jonas Jaeger"

[docs]class LabelTree(object): '''A class that represants a LabelTree. Args: dbm (:class:`lost.db.access.DBMan`): Database manager object. root_id (int): label_leaf_id of the root Leaf. root_leaf (:class:`lost.db.model.LabelLeaf`): Root leaf of the tree. name (str): Name of a label tree. logger (logger): A logger. ''' def __init__(self, dbm, root_id=None, root_leaf=None, name=None, logger=None): self.dbm = dbm # type: lost.db.access.DBMan self.root = None # type: lost.db.model.LabelLeaf self.tree = {} if logger is None: import logging self.logger = logging else: self.logger = logger if root_leaf is not None: self.root = root_leaf self.__collect_tree(self.root, self.tree) elif root_id is not None: self.root = self.dbm.get_label_leaf(root_id) self.__collect_tree(self.root, self.tree) elif name is not None: root_list = self.dbm.get_all_label_trees() for leaf in root_list: print( root = next(filter(lambda x:, root_list), None) if root is None: raise Exception('LabelTree with name "{}" not found in database!'.format(name)) else: self.root = root self.__collect_tree(self.root, self.tree) def __collect_tree(self, label_leaf, leaf_map): '''Collect all LabelLeafs from Tree or Subtree Args: label_leaf (:class:`lost.db.model.LabelLeaf`): The leaf to start leaf collection. leaf_map (dict): Dictionary that maps leaf ids to LabelLeaf objects {leaf_id : LabelLeaf} ''' leaf_map[label_leaf.idx] = label_leaf for ll in label_leaf.label_leaves: self.__collect_tree(ll, leaf_map)
[docs] def delete_subtree(self, leaf): '''Recursive delete all leafs in subtree starting with leaf Args: leaf (:class:`lost.db.model.LabelLeaf`): Delete all childs of this leaf. The leaf itself stays. ''' for ll in leaf.label_leaves: self.delete_subtree(ll)'Deleting label leaf: {}'.format( self.dbm.delete(ll)
[docs] def delete_tree(self): '''Delete whole tree from system''' self.delete_subtree(self.root) self.dbm.delete(self.root) self.dbm.commit()
[docs] def create_root(self, name, external_id=None): '''Create the root of a label tree. Args: name (str): Name of the root leaf. external_id (str): Some id of an external label system. Retruns: :class:`lost.db.model.LabelLeaf` or None: The created root leaf or None if a root leaf with same name is already present in database. ''' root_leafs = self.dbm.get_all_label_trees() for leaf in root_leafs: if name == return None self.root = model.LabelLeaf(name=name, external_id=external_id, is_root=True) self.dbm.add(self.root) self.dbm.commit() self.tree[self.root.idx] = self.root'Created root leaf: {}'.format(name)) return self.root
[docs] def create_child(self, parent_id, name, external_id=None): '''Create a new leaf in label tree. Args: parent_id (int): Id of the parend leaf. name (str): Name of the leaf e.g the class name. external_id (str): Some id of an external label system. Retruns: :class:`lost.db.model.LabelLeaf`: The the created child leaf. ''' leaf = model.LabelLeaf(name=name, external_id=external_id, parent_leaf_id=parent_id) self.dbm.add(leaf) self.dbm.commit() self.tree[leaf.idx] = leaf'Created child leaf: {}'.format(name)) return leaf
[docs] def get_child_vec(self, parent_id, columns='idx'): '''Get a vector of child labels. Args: parent_id (int): Id of the parent leaf. columns (str or list of str): Can be any attribute of :class:`lost.db.model.LabelLeaf` for example 'idx', 'external_idx', 'name' or a list of these e.g. ['name', 'idx'] Example: >>> label_tree.get_child_vec(1, columns='idx') [2, 3, 4] >>> label_tree.get_child_vec(1, columns=['idx', 'name']) [ [2, 'cow'], [3, 'horse'], [4, 'person'] ] Returns: list in the requested columns: ''' parent = self.tree[parent_id] # type: lost.db.model.LabelLeaf df_list = [] for ll in parent.label_leaves: df_list.append(ll.to_df()[columns]) df = pd.concat(df_list) return df.values.tolist()
[docs] def to_df(self): '''Transform this LabelTree to a pandas DataFrame. Returns: pandas.DataFrame ''' df_list = [] for leaf_id, leaf in self.tree.items(): df_list.append(leaf.to_df()) df = pd.concat(df_list) return df.reset_index().drop(columns=['index'])
# def to_list(self): # leaves = list() # for leaf_id, leaf in self.tree.items(): # leaves.append(leaf.to_dict()) # return leaves def __collect_dict_tree(self, label_leaf, t_dict): t_dict['children'] = [] for ll in label_leaf.label_leaves: ll_dict = ll.to_dict() t_dict['children'].append(ll_dict) self.__collect_dict_tree(ll, ll_dict) def to_hierarchical_dict(self): my_dict = self.root.to_dict() self.__collect_dict_tree(self.root, my_dict) return my_dict def _df_row_to_leaf(self, row, leaf): '''Transfrom LabelLeaf in row style to a LabelLeaf object. Args: row (pandas.Series): A LabelLeaf in row style. Returns: :class:`lost.db.model.LabelLeaf`: The transformed row. ''' try: leaf.abbreviation = row['abbreviation']'\tabbreviation: {}'.format(leaf.abbreviation)) except KeyError:'\tNo abbreviation provided.') try: leaf.description = row['description']'\tdescription: {}'.format(leaf.description)) except KeyError:'\tNo description provided.') try: leaf.timestamp = row['timestamp']'\ttimestamp: {}'.format(leaf.timestamp)) except KeyError:'\tNo timestamp provided.') try: leaf.external_id = row['external_id']'\texternal_id: {}'.format(leaf.external_id)) except KeyError:'\tNo external_id provided.') try: leaf.is_deleted = row['is_deleted']'\tis_deleted: {}'.format(leaf.is_deleted)) except KeyError:'\tNo is_deleted provided.') def __create_childs_from_df(self, child_dict, parent, parent_row): '''Create child leafs from a df. Args: child_dict (dict): A dictionary that maps parent_ids from DataFrame to child rows from DataFrame. parent (:class:`lost.db.model.LabelLeaf`): A parent LabelLeaf that was already imported. parent_row (pandas.Series): A row from the DataFrame to import. ''' if parent_row['idx'] not in child_dict: return for child_row in child_dict[parent_row['idx']]: child = self.create_child(parent.idx, child_row['name']) self._df_row_to_leaf(child_row, child) self.__create_childs_from_df(child_dict, child, child_row)
[docs] def import_df(self, df): '''Import LabelTree from DataFrame Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): LabelTree in DataFrame style. Retruns: :class:`lost.db.model.LabelLeaf` or None: The created root leaf or None if a root leaf with same name is already present in database. ''' df = df.where((pd.notnull(df)), None) root = df[df['parent_leaf_id'].isnull()] no_root = df[~df['parent_leaf_id'].isnull()] childs = {} if len(root) != 1: raise ValueError('''Can not import. There needs to be exactly one root leaf for that tree! Found: \n{}'''.format(root)) else: try: root_leaf = self.create_root(root['name'].values[0]) if root_leaf is None: return None #A tree with the same name already exists. self._df_row_to_leaf(root.loc[0], root_leaf) #Create child dict for index, row in no_root.iterrows(): if not row['parent_leaf_id'] in childs: childs[row['parent_leaf_id']] = [] childs[row['parent_leaf_id']].append(row) self.__create_childs_from_df(childs, root_leaf, root.loc[0]) self.dbm.commit() return root_leaf except KeyError: self.logger.error('''At least the following columns need to be provided: *idx*, *name*, *parent_leaf_id*''') raise