Source code for lost.db.model

__author__ = 'Jonas Jaeger, Gereon Reus'
from flask_user import current_user, UserMixin
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime, Float, Text, Boolean
# from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import DATETIME
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.schema import MetaData
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy import orm
from lost.db import dtype
import json
import os
import pandas as pd

# Set conventions for foreign key name generation
convention = {
    "ix": 'ix_%(column_0_label)s',
    "uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s",
    # "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s",
    "fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s",
    "pk": "pk_%(table_name)s"
metadata = MetaData(naming_convention=convention)
Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

# Define the User data-model.
# NB: Make sure to add flask_user UserMixin !!!

class User(Base, UserMixin):
    __tablename__ = 'user'

    idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    user_name = Column(String(100), nullable=False, unique=True)
    email = Column(String(255), unique=True)
    email_confirmed_at = Column(DateTime())
    password = Column(String(255), server_default='')

    # User information
    first_name = Column(String(100), server_default='')
    last_name = Column(String(100),  server_default='')

    # roles = relationship('Role', secondary='user_roles', lazy='joined')
    # groups = relationship('Group', secondary='user_groups', lazy='joined')

    roles = relationship('UserRoles', back_populates='user', lazy='joined')
    groups = relationship('UserGroups', back_populates='user', lazy='joined')

    choosen_anno_tasks = relationship('ChoosenAnnoTask', back_populates='user', lazy='joined')

    api_token = Column(String(4096))
    is_external = Column(Boolean)
    is_online = Column(Boolean)

    def __init__(self, user_name, password=None, email=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, email_confirmed_at=None, api_token=None, is_external=False, is_online=False):
        self.user_name = user_name = email
        self.email_confirmed_at = email_confirmed_at
        if not is_external:
        self.first_name = first_name
        self.last_name = last_name
        self.api_token = api_token
        self.is_external = is_external
        self.is_online = is_online

    def set_password(self, password):
        self.password = generate_password_hash(password)

    def check_password(self, password):
        return check_password_hash(self.password, password)

    def has_role(self, role):
        role_names = []
        for r in self.roles:
        if role in role_names:
            return True
            return False

# Define the Role data-model
class Role(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'role'
    idx = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(50), unique=True)
    users = relationship("UserRoles", back_populates="role", lazy='joined')

# Define the UserRoles association table

class UserRoles(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'user_roles'
    idx = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    user_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey('user.idx', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    role_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey('role.idx', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    role = relationship("Role", back_populates="users", lazy='joined')
    user = relationship("User", back_populates="roles", lazy='joined')

class Group(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'group'
    idx = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(50), unique=True)
    manager_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey('user.idx', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    is_user_default = Column(Boolean(), nullable=False, server_default='0')
    users = relationship("UserGroups", back_populates="group", lazy='joined')

class UserGroups(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'user_groups'
    idx = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True)
    user_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey('user.idx', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    group_id = Column(Integer(), ForeignKey('group.idx', ondelete='CASCADE'))
    group = relationship("Group", back_populates="users", lazy='joined')
    user = relationship("User", back_populates="groups", lazy='joined')

[docs]class TwoDAnno(Base): """A TwoDAnno represents a 2D annotation/ drawing for an image. A TwoDAnno can be of type point, line, bbox or polygon. Attributes: idx (int): ID of this TwoDAnno in database anno_task_id (int): ID of the anno_task this TwoDAnno belongs to. timestamp (DateTime): Timestamp created of TwoDAnno timestamp_lock (DateTime): Timestamp locked in view state (enum): can be unlocked, locked, locked_priority or labeled (see :class:`lost.db.state.Anno`) track_id (int): The track id this TwoDAnno belongs to. sim_class (int): The similarity class this anno belong to. It is used to cluster similar annos in MIA. iteration (int): The iteration of a loop when this anno was created. user_id (int): Id of the annotator. img_anno_id (int) : ID of ImageAnno this TwoDAnno is appended to data (Text): drawing data (for e.g. x,y, width, height) of anno - depends on dtype dtype (int): type of TwoDAnno (for e.g. bbox, polygon) (see :class:`lost.db.dtype.TwoDAnno`) labels (list): A list of :class:`Label` objects related to the TwoDAnno. confidence (float): Confidence of Annotation. anno_time: Overall Annotation Time in ms. description (str): Description for this annotation. Assigned by an annotator or algorithm. meta (str): A field for meta information added by a script is_example (bool): Indicates wether this annotation is an example for the selected label. """ __tablename__ = "two_d_anno" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) anno_task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('anno_task.idx')) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) timestamp_lock = Column(DateTime()) state = Column(Integer) track_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('track.idx')) data = Column(Text) dtype = Column(Integer) sim_class = Column(Integer) iteration = Column(Integer) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.idx')) img_anno_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('image_anno.idx')) labels = relationship('Label') # type: Label annotator = relationship('User', uselist=False) # type: User confidence = Column(Float) anno_time = Column(Float) description = Column(Text) meta = Column(Text) is_example = Column(Boolean) def __init__(self, anno_task_id=None, user_id=None, timestamp=None, state=None, track_id=None, sim_class=None, img_anno_id=None, timestamp_lock=None, iteration=0, data=None, dtype=None, confidence=None, anno_time=None, description=None, meta=None, is_example=False ): self.anno_task_id = anno_task_id self.user_id = user_id self.timestamp = timestamp self.timestamp_lock = timestamp_lock self.state = state self.track_id = track_id self.sim_class = sim_class self.img_anno_id = img_anno_id = data self.dtype = dtype self.iteration = iteration self.confidence = confidence self.anno_time = anno_time self.description = description self.meta = meta self.is_example = is_example # if label_leaf_id is not None: # self.label = Label(label_leaf_id=label_leaf_id)
[docs] def to_dict(self, style='flat'): '''Transform this object into a dict. Args: style (str): 'flat' or 'hierarchical' 'flat': Return a dictionray in table style 'hierarchical': Return a nested dictionary Retruns: dict: In flat or hierarchical style. Example: Get a dict in flat style. Note that '', 'anno.lbl.idx', '' and 'anno.lbl.external_id' are json strings in contrast to the *hierarchical* style. >>> bbox.to_dict(style='flat') { 'anno_uid': 1, 'anno_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 27, 11, 27, 31), 'anno_state': 4, 'anno_dtype': 'point', 'anno_sim_class': None, 'anno_iteration': 0, 'anno_user_id': 1, 'anno_user': 'admin', 'anno_confidence': None, 'anno_time': 2.5548, 'anno_lbl': ['Person'], 'anno_lbl_id': [16], 'anno_style': 'xy', 'anno_format': 'rel', 'anno_comment': None, 'anno_data': [[0.5683337459767269, 0.3378842004739504]]} } ''' anno_dict = { 'anno_uid': self.idx, # 'anno.anno_task_id': self.anno_task_id, 'anno_timestamp': self.timestamp, # 'anno.timestamp_lock': self.timestamp_lock, 'anno_state': self.state, # 'anno_track_id': self.track_id, 'anno_dtype': None, 'anno_sim_class': self.sim_class, 'anno_iteration': self.iteration, 'anno_user_id': self.user_id, # 'anno.img_anno_id': self.img_anno_id, 'anno_user': None, 'anno_confidence': self.confidence, 'anno_time': self.anno_time, 'anno_lbl': None, 'anno_lbl_id': None, 'anno_style': self.get_anno_style(), 'anno_format': 'rel', 'anno_comment': self.description } try: if self.meta is not None: for key, val in json.loads(self.meta).items(): anno_dict[f'meta_{key}'] = val except: pass try: anno_dict['anno_dtype'] = dtype.TwoDAnno.TYPE_TO_STR[self.dtype] except: pass try: anno_dict['anno_lbl'] = [ for lbl in self.labels ] anno_dict['anno_lbl_id'] = [ lbl.label_leaf.idx for lbl in self.labels ] except: pass try: anno_dict['anno_user'] = self.annotator.user_name except: pass if style == 'flat': # anno_dict['anno_data'] = self.get_anno_serialization_format() # anno_dict[''] = json.dumps(anno_dict['']) return anno_dict elif style == 'hierarchical': # anno_dict['anno_data'] = self.get_anno_serialization_format() return anno_dict else: raise ValueError( 'Unknow style argument! Needs to be "flat" or "hierarchical".')
[docs] def to_df(self): '''Transform this annotation into a pandas DataFrame Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame where column names correspond to the keys of the dictionary returned from *to_dict()* method. Note: Column names are: 'anno_uid', 'anno_timestamp', 'anno_state', 'anno_dtype', 'anno_sim_class', 'anno_iteration', 'anno_user_id', 'anno_user', 'anno_confidence', 'anno_time', 'anno_lbl', 'anno_lbl_id', 'anno_style', 'anno_format', 'anno_comment', 'anno_data' ''' return pd.DataFrame(self.to_dict(), index=[0])
[docs] def to_vec(self, columns='all'): '''Tansfrom this annotation in list style. Args: columns (list of str OR str): Possible column names are: 'all' OR 'anno_uid', 'anno_timestamp', 'anno_state', 'anno_dtype', 'anno_sim_class', 'anno_iteration', 'anno_user_id', 'anno_user', 'anno_confidence', 'anno_time', 'anno_lbl', 'anno_lbl_id', 'anno_style', 'anno_format', 'anno_comment', 'anno_data' Returns: list of objects: A list of the desired columns. Example: If you want to get only the annotation in list style e.g. [xc, yc, w, h] (if this TwoDAnnotation is a bbox). >>> anno.to_vec('anno_data') [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] ''' df = self.to_df().drop(columns=['anno_data']) df_new = df.assign(data=[self.get_anno_vec()]) df_new = df_new.rename(index=str, columns={'data': 'anno_data'}) if columns == 'all': return df_new.values.tolist()[0] else: return df_new[columns].values.tolist()[0]
def get_anno_style(self): if self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.BBOX: return 'xcycwh' elif self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.POINT: return 'xy' elif self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.LINE or self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.POLYGON: return 'xy' elif self.dtype is None: return '' else: raise Exception('Unknown TwoDAnno type!')
[docs] def add_label(self, label_leaf_id): '''Add a label to this 2D annotation. Args: label_leaf_id (int): Id of the label_leaf that should be added. ''' if label_leaf_id is not None: lbl = Label(label_leaf_id=label_leaf_id) self.labels.append(lbl)
@property def point(self): '''list: POINT annotation in list style [x, y] Example: >>> anno = TwoDAnno() >>> anno.point = [0.1, 0.1] >>> anno.point [0.1, 0.1] ''' if self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.POINT: return self.get_anno_vec() else: raise Exception('''Can not use point property since this annotation is no point! It is a {}'''.format(dtype.TwoDAnno.TYPE_TO_STR[self.dtype].upper())) @point.setter def point(self, value): = json.dumps( { 'x': value[0], 'y': value[1] } ) self.dtype = dtype.TwoDAnno.POINT @property def bbox(self): '''list: BBOX annotation in list style [x, y, w, h] Example: >>> anno = TwoDAnno() >>> anno.bbox = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] >>> anno.bbox [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] ''' if self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.BBOX: return self.get_anno_vec() else: raise Exception('''Can not use bbox property since this annotation is no BBOX! It is a {}'''.format(dtype.TwoDAnno.TYPE_TO_STR[self.dtype].upper())) @bbox.setter def bbox(self, value): = json.dumps( { 'x': value[0], 'y': value[1], 'w': value[2], 'h': value[3] } ) self.dtype = dtype.TwoDAnno.BBOX @property def line(self): '''list of list: LINE annotation in list style [[x, y], [x, y], ...] Example: >>> anno = TwoDAnno() >>> anno.line = [[0.1, 0.1], [0.2, 0.2]] >>> anno.line [[0.1, 0.1], [0.2, 0.2]] ''' if self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.LINE: return self.get_anno_vec() else: raise Exception('''Can not use line property since this annotation is no line! It is a {}'''.format(dtype.TwoDAnno.TYPE_TO_STR[self.dtype].upper())) @line.setter def line(self, value): val_list = [{'x': v[0], 'y':v[1]} for v in value] = json.dumps(val_list) self.dtype = dtype.TwoDAnno.LINE @property def polygon(self): '''list of list: polygon annotation in list style [[x, y], [x, y], ...] Example: >>> anno = TwoDAnno() >>> anno.polygon = [[0.1, 0.1], [0.2, 0.1], [0.15, 0.2]] >>> anno.polygon [[0.1, 0.1], [0.2, 0.1], [0.15, 0.2]] ''' if self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.POLYGON: return self.get_anno_vec() else: raise Exception('''Can not use polygon property since this annotation is no polygon! It is a {}'''.format(dtype.TwoDAnno.TYPE_TO_STR[self.dtype].upper())) @polygon.setter def polygon(self, value): val_list = [{'x': v[0], 'y':v[1]} for v in value] = json.dumps(val_list) self.dtype = dtype.TwoDAnno.POLYGON
[docs] def get_anno_serialization_format(self): '''Get annotation data in list style parquet serialization. Returns: list of floats: For a POINT: [[ x, y ]] For a BBOX: [[ x, y, w, h ]] For a LINE and POLYGONS: [[x, y], [x, y],...] Example: HowTo get a numpy array? In the following example a bounding box is returned:: >>> np.array(twod_anno.get_anno_vec()) array([0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 , 0.18]) ''' if self.dtype is not None: data = json.loads( # data = if self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.BBOX: return [[data['x'], data['y'], data['w'], data['h']]] elif self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.POINT: return [[data['x'], data['y']]] elif self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.LINE: return [[e['x'], e['y']] for e in data] elif self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.POLYGON: return [[e['x'], e['y']] for e in data] elif self.dtype is None: return [[None]] else: raise Exception('Unknown TwoDAnno type!')
[docs] def get_anno_vec(self): '''Get annotation data in list style. Returns: list of floats: For a POINT: [x, y] For a BBOX: [x, y, w, h] For a LINE and POLYGONS: [[x, y], [x, y],...] Example: HowTo get a numpy array? In the following example a bounding box is returned:: >>> np.array(twod_anno.get_anno_vec()) array([0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 , 0.18]) ''' if self.dtype is not None: data = json.loads( # data = if self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.BBOX: return [data['x'], data['y'], data['w'], data['h']] elif self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.POINT: return [data['x'], data['y']] elif self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.LINE: return [[e['x'], e['y']] for e in data] elif self.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.POLYGON: return [[e['x'], e['y']] for e in data] elif self.dtype is None: return [] else: raise Exception('Unknown TwoDAnno type!')
# def get_lbl_vec(self, which='id'): # '''Get labels for this annotations in list style. # A 2D annotation can contain multiple labels # Args: # which (str): # 'id': # An id in this list is related to :class:`LabelLeaf` # that is part of a LabelTree in the LOST framework. # A 2D annotation can contain multiple labels. # 'external_id': # An external label id can be any str # and is used to map LOST-LabelLeafs to label ids from # external systems like ImageNet. # 'name': # Get label names for this annotations in list style. # Retruns: # list of int or str [id, ...]: # Example: # Get vec of label ids # >>> twod_anno.get_lbl_vec() # [2] # Get related external ids # >>> twod_anno.get_lbl_vec('external_id') # [5] # Get related label name # >>> twod_anno.get_lbl_vec('name') # ['cow'] # ''' # if which == 'id': # return [lbl.label_leaf.idx for lbl in self.labels] # elif which == 'external_id': # return [lbl.label_leaf.external_id for lbl in self.labels] # elif which == 'name': # return [ for lbl in self.labels] # else: # raise Exception('Unknown argument value: {}'.format(which)) # def get_anno_dict(self): # '''Get annotation data in dict style # Retruns: # dict: # For a POINT: # {"x": float, "y": float} # For a BBOX: # {"x": float, "y": float, "w": float, "h": float} # For a LINE and POLYGONS: # [{"x": float, "y": float}, {"x": float, "y": float},...] # ''' # return json.loads(
[docs]class ImageAnno(Base): """An ImageAnno represents an image annotation. Multiple labels as well as 2d annotations (e.g. points, lines, boxes, polygons) can be assigned to an image. Attributes: labels (list): The related :class:`Label` object. twod_annos (list): A list of :class:`TwoDAnno` objects. img_path (str): Abs path to image in file system frame_n (int): If this image is part of an video, frame_n indicates the frame number. video_path (str): If this image is part of an video, this should be the path to that video in file system. sim_class (int): The similarity class this anno belong to. It is used to cluster similar annos in MIA anno_time: Overall annotation time in seconds. timestamp (DateTime): Timestamp of ImageAnno iteration (int): The iteration of a loop when this anno was created. idx (int): ID of this ImageAnno in database anno_task_id (int): ID of the anno_task this ImageAnno belongs to. state (enum): See :class:`lost.db.state.Anno` result_id: Id of the related result. user_id (int): Id of the annotator. is_junk (bool): This image was marked as Junk. description (str): Description for this annotation. Assigned by an annotator or algorithm. fs_id (int): Id of the filesystem where image is located meta (str): A field for meta information added by a script """ __tablename__ = "image_anno" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) anno_task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('anno_task.idx')) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) timestamp_lock = Column(DateTime()) state = Column(Integer) sim_class = Column(Integer) frame_n = Column(Integer) video_path = Column(String(4096)) img_path = Column(String(4096)) result_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('result.idx')) iteration = Column(Integer) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.idx')) labels = relationship('Label') twod_annos = relationship('TwoDAnno') annotator = relationship('User', uselist=False) anno_time = Column(Float) is_junk = Column(Boolean) description = Column(Text) fs_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('filesystem.idx')) fs = relationship('FileSystem', uselist=False) meta = Column(Text) def __init__(self, anno_task_id=None, user_id=None, timestamp=None, state=None, sim_class=None, result_id=None, img_path=None, frame_n=None, video_path=None, iteration=0, anno_time=None, is_junk=None, description=None, fs_id=None, meta=None): self.anno_task_id = anno_task_id self.user_id = user_id self.timestamp = timestamp self.state = state self.sim_class = sim_class self.result_id = result_id self.img_path = img_path self.video_path = video_path self.frame_n = frame_n self.iteration = iteration self.anno_time = anno_time self.is_junk = is_junk self.description = description self.fs_id = fs_id self.meta = meta # if label_leaf_id is not None: # self.label = Label(label_leaf_id=label_leaf_id)
[docs] def to_dict(self, style='flat'): '''Transform this ImageAnno and all related TwoDAnnos into a dict. Args: style (str): 'flat' or 'hierarchical'. Return a dict in flat or nested style. Returns: list of dict OR dict: In 'flat' style return a list of dicts with one dict per annotation. In 'hierarchical' style, return a nested dictionary. Example: HowTo iterate through all TwoDAnnotations of this ImageAnno dictionary in *flat* style: >>> for d in img_anno.to_dict(): ... print(d['img_path'], d['anno_lbl'], d['anno_dtype']) path/to/img1.jpg [] None path/to/img1.jpg ['Aeroplane'] bbox path/to/img1.jpg ['Bicycle'] point Possible keys in *flat* style: >>> img_anno.to_dict()[0].keys() dict_keys([ 'img_uid', 'img_timestamp', 'img_state', 'img_sim_class', 'img_frame_n', 'img_path', 'img_iteration', 'img_user_id', 'img_anno_time', 'img_lbl', 'img_lbl_id', 'img_user', 'img_is_junk', 'img_fs_name', 'anno_uid', 'anno_timestamp', 'anno_state', 'anno_dtype', 'anno_sim_class', 'anno_iteration', 'anno_user_id', 'anno_user', 'anno_confidence', 'anno_time', 'anno_lbl', 'anno_lbl_id', 'anno_style', 'anno_format', 'anno_comment', 'anno_data' ]) HowTo iterate through all TwoDAnnotations of this ImageAnno dictionary in *hierarchical* style: >>> h_dict = img_anno.to_dict(style='hierarchical') >>> for d in h_dict['img_2d_annos']: ... print(h_dict['img_path'], d['anno_lbl'], d['anno_dtype']) path/to/img1.jpg [Aeroplane] bbox path/to/img1.jpg [Bicycle] point Possible keys in *hierarchical* style: >>> h_dict = img_anno.to_dict(style='hierarchical') >>> h_dict.keys() dict_keys([ 'img_uid', 'img_timestamp', 'img_state', 'img_sim_class', 'img_frame_n', 'img_path', 'img_iteration', 'img_user_id', 'img_anno_time', 'img_lbl', 'img_lbl_id', 'img_user', 'img_is_junk', 'img_fs_name', 'img_2d_annos' ]) >>> h_dict['img.twod_annos'][0].keys() dict_keys([ 'anno_uid', 'anno_timestamp', 'anno_state', 'anno_dtype', 'anno_sim_class', 'anno_iteration', 'anno_user_id', 'anno_user', 'anno_confidence', 'anno_time', 'anno_lbl', 'anno_lbl_id', 'anno_style', 'anno_format', 'anno_comment', 'anno_data' ]) ''' img_dict = { 'img_uid': self.idx, # 'img_anno_task_id': self.anno_task_id, 'img_timestamp': self.timestamp, 'img_state': self.state, 'img_sim_class': self.sim_class, 'img_frame_n': self.frame_n, # 'img_video_path': self.video_path, 'img_path': self.img_path, # 'img_result_id': self.result_id, 'img_iteration': self.iteration, 'img_user_id': self.user_id, 'img_anno_time': self.anno_time, 'img_lbl': None, 'img_lbl_id': None, 'img_user': None, 'img_is_junk': self.is_junk, 'img_fs_name': } try: if self.meta is not None: for key, val in json.loads(self.meta).items(): img_dict[f'meta_{key}'] = val except: pass try: img_dict['img_lbl'] = [ for lbl in self.labels] img_dict['img_lbl_id'] = [ lbl.label_leaf.idx for lbl in self.labels] except: pass try: img_dict['img_user'] = self.annotator.user_name except: pass if style == 'hierarchical': img_dict['img_2d_annos'] = [] for anno in self.twod_annos: img_dict['img_2d_annos'].append( anno.to_dict(style='hierarchical') ) return img_dict elif style == 'flat': # img_dict[''] = json.dumps(img_dict['']) d_list = [] if len(self.twod_annos) > 0: empty_anno = TwoDAnno().to_dict() d_list.append(dict(img_dict, **empty_anno)) for anno in self.twod_annos: d_list.append( dict(img_dict, **anno.to_dict()) ) return d_list else: empty_anno = TwoDAnno().to_dict() return [dict(img_dict, **empty_anno)] else: raise ValueError( 'Unknow style argument! Needs to be "flat" or "hierarchical".')
[docs] def to_df(self): '''Tranform this ImageAnnotation and all related TwoDAnnotaitons into a pandas DataFrame. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Column names are: 'img_uid', 'img_timestamp', 'img_state', 'img_sim_class', 'img_frame_n', 'img_path', 'img_iteration', 'img_user_id', 'img_anno_time', 'img_lbl', 'img_lbl_id', 'img_user', 'img_is_junk', 'img_fs_name', 'anno_uid', 'anno_timestamp', 'anno_state', 'anno_dtype', 'anno_sim_class', 'anno_iteration', 'anno_user_id', 'anno_user', 'anno_confidence', 'anno_time', 'anno_lbl', 'anno_lbl_id', 'anno_style', 'anno_format', 'anno_comment', 'anno_data' ''' return pd.DataFrame(self.to_dict())
[docs] def to_vec(self, columns='all'): '''Transform this ImageAnnotation and all related TwoDAnnotations in list style. Args: columns (str or list of str): 'all' OR 'img_uid', 'img_timestamp', 'img_state', 'img_sim_class', 'img_frame_n', 'img_path', 'img_iteration', 'img_user_id', 'img_anno_time', 'img_lbl', 'img_lbl_id', 'img_user', 'img_is_junk', 'img_fs_name', 'anno_uid', 'anno_timestamp', 'anno_state', 'anno_dtype', 'anno_sim_class', 'anno_iteration', 'anno_user_id', 'anno_user', 'anno_confidence', 'anno_time', 'anno_lbl', 'anno_lbl_id', 'anno_style', 'anno_format', 'anno_comment', 'anno_data' Retruns: list OR list of lists: Desired columns Example: Return just a list of 2d anno labels: >>> img_anno.to_vec('anno_lbl') [['Aeroplane'], ['Bicycle']] Return a list of lists: >>> img_anno.to_vec(['img_path', 'anno_lbl']) [ ['path/to/img1.jpg', ['Aeroplane']], ['path/to/img1.jpg', ['Bicycle']] ] ''' anno_vec = [vec.get_anno_vec() for vec in self.twod_annos] df = self.to_df() if anno_vec: df.update(pd.DataFrame({'': anno_vec})) if columns == 'all': return df.values.tolist() else: ret = df[columns].values.tolist() if ret == [None]: ret = [] return ret
[docs] def iter_annos(self, anno_type='bbox'): '''Iterator for all related 2D annotations of this image. Args: anno_type (str): Can be bbox', 'point', 'line', 'polygon', 'all' Retruns: iterator of :class:`TwoDAnno` objects Example: >>> for bb in img_anno.iter_annos('bbox'): ... do_something(bb) ''' if anno_type == 'all': for anno in self.twod_annos: yield anno else: for anno in self.twod_annos: if anno.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.STR_TO_TYPE[anno_type]: yield anno
[docs] def get_anno_vec(self, anno_type='bbox'): '''Get related 2d annotations in list style. Args: anno_type (str): Can be 'bbox', 'point', 'line', 'polygon' Returns: list of list of floats: For POINTs: [[x, y], [x, y], ...] For BBOXs: [[x, y, w, h], [x, y, w, h], ...] For LINEs and POLYGONs: [[[x, y], [x, y],...], [[x, y], [x, y],...]] Example: In the following example all bounding boxes of the image annotation will be returned in list style:: >>> img_anno.anno_vec() [[0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3 , 0.18], [0.25, 0.25, 0.2, 0.4]] ''' res = [] for anno in self.twod_annos: if anno.dtype == dtype.TwoDAnno.STR_TO_TYPE[anno_type]: res.append(anno.get_anno_vec()) return res
class AnnoTask(Base): """A object that represents a anno task. Attributes: idx (int): ID of this AnnoTask in database. manager_id (int): ID of the Manager who had distributed this Task group_id (int): ID of the assigned Group (None means: All groups are assigned to this task !) state (enum): See :class:`data_model.state.AnnoTask` progress (float): The Progress of the Task dtype (enum): See :class:`data_model.dtype.AnnoTask` pipe_element_id (int): ID of related pipeline element. timestamp (DateTime): Date and time when this anno task was created. instructions (str): Instructions for the annotator of this AnnoTask. name (str): A name for this annotask. configuration (str): Configuration of this annotask. Warning: *annotator_id = None* means that all users are assigned to this task. """ __tablename__ = "anno_task" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) manager_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.idx')) manager = relationship("User", foreign_keys='AnnoTask.manager_id', uselist=False) group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('group.idx')) group = relationship("Group", foreign_keys='AnnoTask.group_id', uselist=False) state = Column(Integer) progress = Column(Float) name = Column(String(100)) dtype = Column(Integer) pipe_element_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pipe_element.idx')) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) instructions = Column(Text) configuration = Column(Text) last_activity = Column(DateTime()) last_annotator_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.idx')) users = relationship("ChoosenAnnoTask", back_populates="anno_task", lazy='joined') last_annotator = relationship( "User", foreign_keys='AnnoTask.last_annotator_id', uselist=False) req_label_leaves = relationship('RequiredLabelLeaf') pipe_element = relationship( "PipeElement", foreign_keys='AnnoTask.pipe_element_id', uselist=False) def __init__(self, idx=None, manager_id=None, group_id=None, state=None, progress=None, dtype=None, pipe_element_id=None, timestamp=None, name=None, instructions=None, configuration=None, last_activity=None, last_annotator=None): self.idx = idx self.manager_id = manager_id self.group_id = group_id self.state = state self.progress = progress self.dtype = dtype self.pipe_element_id = pipe_element_id self.timestamp = timestamp = name self.instructions = instructions self.configuration = configuration self.last_activity = last_activity self.last_annotator = last_annotator class Pipe(Base): """A general pipe (task) that defines how a video/dataset (Media) will be processed. Attributes: idx (int): Id of Pipe in database. name (str): Pipe Name manager_id : Id of user who started this pipe state (enum): Status of this pipe. See :class:`data_model.state.Pipe` pipe_template_id (int): Id of related PipeTemplate timestamp (DateTime): Date and time when this task was created timestamp_finished (DateTime): Date and time when this task was finished description (str): A general description for this task. is_debug_mode (Boolean): DebugMode only visible for Developers group_id (int): Group which created this pipe is_locked (Boolean): Pipe Locked by PipeEngine pipe_template (PipeTemplate): Related :class:`PipeTemplate` object logfile_path (Text): path to logfile """ __tablename__ = "pipe" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(100)) manager_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.idx')) state = Column(Integer) pipe_template_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pipe_template.idx')) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) timestamp_finished = Column(DateTime()) description = Column(Text) is_debug_mode = Column(Boolean) is_locked = Column(Boolean) group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('group.idx')) group = relationship("Group", uselist=False) manager = relationship("User", uselist=False) start_definition = Column(Text) pe_list = relationship("PipeElement") pipe_template = relationship("PipeTemplate", uselist=False) logfile_path = Column(String(4096)) def __init__(self, idx=None, name=None, manager_id=None, state=None, pipe_template_id=None, timestamp=None, timestamp_finished=None, description=None, is_locked=None, group_id=None, is_debug_mode=None, start_definition=None, logfile_path=None): self.idx = idx = name self.manager_id = manager_id self.state = state self.pipe_template_id = pipe_template_id self.timestamp = timestamp self.timestamp_finished = timestamp_finished self.description = description self.is_locked = is_locked self.group_id = group_id self.is_debug_mode = is_debug_mode self.start_definition = start_definition self.logfile_path = logfile_path class PipeTemplate(Base): """A template of an pipeline that need to be copyed by Pipe. A PipeTemplate Object contains a sequence of PipeElement objects. This sequence will be instantiated when a Pipe is created that uses this PipeTemplate. Each Pipe will then work on his own sequence of PipeElements. Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. json_template (Text): A json sting that defines a pipeline template. timestamp (DateTime): Date and Time this Template was created or imported. is_debug_mode (Boolean): DebugMode shows weather this pipe is viewable for normal users or only for developers group_id (int): Group this template belongs to pipe_project (str): Pipe project, where this pipeline belongs to install_path (str): Installpath of pipeproject Note: group_id is None if this filesystem is available for all users! """ __tablename__ = "pipe_template" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) json_template = Column(Text) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) is_debug_mode = Column(Boolean) group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('group.idx')) pipe_project = Column(Text) install_path = Column(Text) def __init__(self, idx=None, json_template=None, timestamp=None, is_debug_mode=None, group_id=None, pipe_project=None, install_path=None): self.idx = idx self.json_template = json_template self.timestamp = timestamp self.debug_mode = is_debug_mode self.group_id = group_id self.pipe_project = pipe_project self.install_path = install_path class Script(Base): """A script that can be executed in a pipeline. Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. name (str): Name of the algorithm used in this script. path (str): Path to a script that will execute a algorithm on data in database. description (str): Description of this algorithm/ script. arguments (str): json object with key value pairs (arguments for script) envs (str): json object containing the names of environments that may execute this script resources (str): Json that defines the resources required by this script extra_packages (str): Json that defines extra packages that should be installed """ __tablename__ = "script" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(100)) path = Column(String(4096)) description = Column(Text) arguments = Column(Text) envs = Column(Text) resources = Column(Text) extra_packages = Column(Text) def __init__(self, idx=None, name=None, path=None, description=None, arguments=None, envs=None, resources=None, extra_packages=None): self.idx = idx = name self.path = path self.description = description self.arguments = arguments self.envs = envs self.resources = resources self.extra_packages = extra_packages class ChoosenAnnoTask(Base): """Linking Table which connects Anno Tasks to Groups Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. user_id (int): ID of user who has choosen that anno task anno_task_id (int): ID of the anno task which is connected to the user """ __tablename__ = "choosen_anno_task" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.idx'), unique=True) anno_task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('anno_task.idx')) anno_task = relationship("AnnoTask", back_populates="users", lazy='joined') user = relationship("User", back_populates="choosen_anno_tasks", lazy='joined') def __init__(self, idx=None, user_id=None, anno_task_id=None): self.idx = idx self.user_id = user_id self.anno_task_id = anno_task_id class PipeElement(Base): """One element in a workflow pipeline. A pipeline element can be an algorithm or an anno_task. Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. state (enum): Status of this pipeline element. See :class:`data_model.state.PipeElement` script_id (int): ID of related script. pipe_id (int): ID of related Pipe. "None" if this PipeElement belongs to a PipelineTemplate. dtype (enum): Type (see :class:`data_model.dtype.PipeElement`) error_msg (str): Exception message. When script had an error. error_reported (bool): Weather an error has been reported or not. debug_session (str): ssh connection string to temporary debug session. is_debug_mode (Boolean): DebugMode only visible for Developers. instance_context (str): A path where files of instantiated PipeElement can be stored. pe_outs (list): List of linked :class:`PipeElement` objects that are connected to this PipeElement. result_in (list): List of related input :class:`Result` objects. result_out (list): List of related output :class:`Result` objects. anno_task (object): Related :class:`AnnoTask`. script (object): Related :class:`Script`. iteration (int): Current iteration. Represents the number of times this PipeElement has been processed. pipe_context (str): A path to store files that can be used by all elements in a pipeline. progress (float): Progress of PipeElement (e.g. progress of the script its running) arguments: In case of dtype is script - instance arguments for script loop (object): Related :class:`Loop` datasource (object): Realted :class:`Datasource` """ __tablename__ = "pipe_element" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) state = Column(Integer) script_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('script.idx')) pipe_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pipe.idx')) dtype = Column(Integer) error_msg = Column(Text) error_reported = Column(Boolean) warning_msg = Column(String(4096)) log_msg = Column(String(4096)) debug_session = Column(String(4096)) is_debug_mode = Column(Boolean) instance_context = Column(String(4096)) pe_outs = relationship("PipeElement", secondary="result_link", primaryjoin="PipeElement.idx==result_link.c.pe_n", secondaryjoin="PipeElement.idx==result_link.c.pe_out") result_in = relationship("Result", secondary="result_link", primaryjoin="PipeElement.idx==result_link.c.pe_out", secondaryjoin="Result.idx==result_link.c.result_id", overlaps="pe_outs") result_out = relationship("Result", secondary="result_link", primaryjoin="PipeElement.idx==result_link.c.pe_n", secondaryjoin="Result.idx==result_link.c.result_id", overlaps="pe_outs,result_in") anno_task = relationship("AnnoTask", uselist=False, overlaps="pipe_element") script = relationship("Script", uselist=False) iteration = Column(Integer) pipe_context = Column(String(4096)) progress = Column(Float) arguments = Column(Text) loop = relationship( "Loop", foreign_keys='Loop.pipe_element_id', uselist=False) pipe = relationship("Pipe", uselist=False, overlaps="pe_list") datasource = relationship('Datasource', uselist=False) def __init__(self, idx=None, state=None, dtype=None, anno_task=None, pipe_id=None, is_debug_mode=None, error_msg=None, error_reported=False, warning_msg=None, log_msg=None, instance_context=None, iteration=0, pipe_context=None, progress=None, arguments=None): self.idx = idx self.state = state self.dtype = dtype self.anno_task = anno_task self.pipe_id = pipe_id self.is_debug_mode = is_debug_mode self.error_msg = error_msg self.error_reported = error_reported self.warning_msg = warning_msg self.log_msg = log_msg self.instance_context = instance_context self.iteration = iteration self.pipe_context = pipe_context self.progress = progress self.arguments = arguments class Result(Base): """The Result of an Algorithm or AnnoTask Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. timestamp (DateTime): Date and time when this result was created. img_annos (list): A list of related :class:`ImageAnno` objects. visual_outputs (list): A list of related :class:`VisualOutput` objects. """ __tablename__ = "result" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) img_annos = relationship("ImageAnno") visual_outputs = relationship("VisualOutput") data_exports = relationship("VisualOutput", overlaps="visual_outputs") def __init__(self, timestamp=None, media_id=None): self.timestamp = timestamp self.media_id = media_id def add_img_anno(self, img_anno): '''Add a :class:`ImageAnno` to this result. ''' self.img_annos.append(img_anno) def add_visual_output(self, visual_output): '''Add a :class:`VisualOutput` to this result. ''' self.visual_outputs.append(visual_output) def iter_img_annos(self): '''Iterate over all :class:`ImageAnno` objects in this Result. Returns: Iterator: :class:`ImageAnno` objects. ''' return iter(self.img_annos) def iter_bbox_annos(self): '''Iterate over all :class:`TwoDAnno` objects in this Result. Returns: Iterator: :class:`TwoDAnno` objects. ''' for img_anno in self.img_annos: for bb_anno in img_anno.bbox_annos: yield bb_anno def iter_visual_outputs(self): '''Iterate over all :class:`VisualOutput` objects in this Result. Returns: Iterator: :class:`VisualOutput`. ''' return iter(self.visual_outputs) class Datasource(Base): '''Datasource Attributes: idx (int): Id in databse. selected_path (str): Selected path for a specific filesystem. pipe_element_id (int): The PipeElement this Datasource belongs to. fs_id (int): The filesystem this datasource belongs to. ''' __tablename__ = "datasource" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) selected_path = Column(String(4096)) pipe_element_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pipe_element.idx')) fs_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('filesystem.idx')) fs = relationship("FileSystem", uselist=False) def __init__(self, selected_path=None, pipe_element_id=None, fs_id=None): self.pipe_element_id = pipe_element_id self.fs_id = fs_id self.selected_path = selected_path class VisualOutput(Base): '''A VisualOutput will be used by a visulaise PipeElement to display statistics about data. Attributes: idx (int): db id. img_path (str): Path to an image that contains some useful informations. For example a diagram. html_string (str): HTML that should be presented by a visualise Element. result_id (int): Link to related result. iteration (int): Loop iteration when this output was created. ''' __tablename__ = "visual_output" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) img_path = Column(String(4096)) html_string = Column(Text) result_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('result.idx')) iteration = Column(Integer) def __init__(self, img_path=None, html_string=None, result_id=None, iteration=0): self.img_path = img_path self.html_string = html_string self.result_id = result_id self.iteration = iteration class ResultLink(Base): '''Links :class:`Result` objects to :class:`PipelineElement` objects Attributes: idx (int): db id. result_id (int): Id of the realated :class:`Result`. pe_n (int): Id of the :class:`PipelineElement` that has pe_out as output. pe_out (int): Id of the :class:`PipelineElement` that uses :class:`Result` as output. ''' __tablename__ = "result_link" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) result_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('result.idx')) pe_n = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pipe_element.idx')) pe_out = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pipe_element.idx')) result = relationship("Result", uselist=False, overlaps="result_in,result_out") def __init__(self, pe_n=None, pe_out=None, result_id=None): self.pe_n = pe_n self.pe_out = pe_out self.result_id = result_id class DataExport(Base): '''A DatatExport represents an arbitrary file that is the result of a pipeline. Attributes: idx (str): ID in database. file_path (str): Path to the result file. result_id (int): ID of the releated :class:`Result`. iteration (int): Loop iteration when this DataExport was created. ''' __tablename__ = "data_export" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) file_path = Column(String(4096)) fs_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('filesystem.idx')) fs = relationship('FileSystem', uselist=False) result_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('result.idx')) iteration = Column(Integer) def __init__(self, file_path=None, result_id=None, iteration=0, fs_id=None): self.fs_id = fs_id self.file_path = file_path self.result_id = result_id self.iteration = iteration class AnnoTaskExport(Base): '''An AnnoTaskExport represents an arbitrary file that is the export of an AnnotationTask. Attributes: idx (str): ID in database. file_path (str): Path to the result file. file_size (str): FileSize in byte ''' __tablename__ = "anno_task_export" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) file_path = Column(String(4096)) file_size = Column(String(4096)) fs_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('filesystem.idx')) fs = relationship('FileSystem', uselist=False) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) name = Column(String(4096)) anno_task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('anno_task.idx')) progress = Column(Integer) anno_task_progress = Column(Integer) img_count = Column(Integer) def __init__(self, file_path=None, fs_id=None, timestamp=None, name=None, anno_task_id=None, progress=None, anno_task_progress=None, img_count=None): self.fs_id = fs_id self.file_path = file_path self.timestamp = timestamp = name self.anno_task_id = anno_task_id self.anno_task_progress = anno_task_progress self.progress = progress self.img_count = img_count class Loop(Base): '''Defines a Loop element in a pipeline. Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. max_iteration (int): Number of iteration when loop will break. iteration (int): Current iteration of the loop. pe_jump_id (int): ID of the :class:`PipeElement` where this loop should jump to. break_loop (bool): Indicates wether a script wants to break this loop. pe_jump (model.PipeElement): Related PipeElement object. pipe_element_id (int): The PipeElement this Loop belongs to. ''' __tablename__ = "loop" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) max_iteration = Column(Integer) iteration = Column(Integer) pe_jump_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pipe_element.idx')) break_loop = Column(Boolean) pe_jump = relationship("PipeElement", foreign_keys='Loop.pe_jump_id', uselist=False) pipe_element_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pipe_element.idx')) def __init__(self, max_iteration=None, iteration=0, pe_jump_id=None, break_loop=False, pipe_element_id=None): self.max_iteration = max_iteration self.iteration = iteration self.pe_jump_id = pe_jump_id self.break_loop = break_loop self.pipe_element_id = pipe_element_id
[docs]class LabelLeaf(Base): '''A LabelLeaf Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. name (str): Name of the LabelName. abbreviation (str): description (str): timestamp (DateTime): external_id (str): Id of an external semantic label system (for e.g. synsetid of wordnet) is_deleted (Boolean): is_root (Boolean): Indicates if this leaf is the root of a tree. parent_leaf_id (Integer): Reference to parent LabelLeaf. group_id (int): Group this Label Leaf belongs to color (str): Color of the label in Hex format. label_leafs (list of :class:`LabelLeaf`): Note: group_id is None if this filesystem is available for all users! ''' __tablename__ = "label_leaf" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(100)) abbreviation = Column(String(20)) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) description = Column(Text) external_id = Column(String(4096)) is_deleted = Column(Boolean) is_root = Column(Boolean) parent_leaf_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('label_leaf.idx')) group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('group.idx')) color = Column(String(100)) label_leaves = relationship('LabelLeaf') def __init__(self, idx=None, name=None, abbreviation=None, description=None, timestamp=None, external_id=None, label_tree_id=None, is_deleted=None, parent_leaf_id=None, is_root=None, group_id=None, color=None): self.idx = idx = name self.abbreviation = abbreviation self.description = description self.timestamp = timestamp self.external_id = external_id self.is_deleted = is_deleted self.parent_leaf_id = parent_leaf_id self.is_root = is_root self.group_id = group_id self.color = color
[docs] def to_dict(self): '''Transform this object to a dict. Returns: dict: ''' return { 'idx': self.idx, 'name':, 'abbreviation': self.abbreviation, 'description': self.description, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'external_id': self.external_id, 'is_deleted': self.is_deleted, 'parent_leaf_id': self.parent_leaf_id, 'is_root': self.is_root, 'group_id': self.group_id, 'color': self.color, }
[docs] def to_df(self): '''Transform this LabelLeaf to a pandas DataFrame. Returns: pd.DataFrame: ''' return pd.DataFrame(self.to_dict(), index=[0])
[docs]class Label(Base): '''Represants an Label that is related to an annoation. Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. dtype (enum): :class:`lost.db.dtype.Result` type of this attribute. label_leaf_id: ID of related :class:`model.LabelLeaf`. img_anno_id (int): two_d_anno_id (int): timestamp (DateTime): timestamp_lock (DateTime): label_leaf (model.LabelLeaf): related :class:`model.LabelLeaf` object. annotator_id (Integer): GroupID of Annotator who has assigned this Label. confidence (float): Confidence of Annotation. anno_time (float): Time of annotaiton duration ''' __tablename__ = "label" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) dtype = Column(Integer) label_leaf_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey( 'label_leaf.idx'), nullable=False) img_anno_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('image_anno.idx')) two_d_anno_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('two_d_anno.idx')) annotator_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.idx')) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) timestamp_lock = Column(DateTime()) label_leaf = relationship('LabelLeaf', uselist=False) confidence = Column(Float) anno_time = Column(Float) def __init__(self, idx=None, dtype=None, label_leaf_id=None, img_anno_id=None, two_d_anno_id=None, annotator_id=None, timestamp_lock=None, timestamp=None, confidence=None, anno_time=None): self.idx = idx self.dtype = dtype self.label_leaf_id = label_leaf_id self.img_anno_id = img_anno_id self.two_d_anno_id = two_d_anno_id self.annotator_id = annotator_id self.timestamp_lock = timestamp_lock self.timestamp = timestamp self.confidence = confidence self.anno_time = anno_time
class Track(Base): '''Represents a track. Multiple TwoDAnnos are assigned to one track. Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. track_n (int): Track number that identifies this track inside of an annotation session. anno_task_id (int): ID of the related annotation task name (str): A human readable name for this track. timestamp (DateTime): Timestamp when this track was created. user_id (int): Id of Annotator who has assigned this Label. iteration (int): Iteration in which this track was annotated confidence (float): A confidence value for the annotated track. anno_time (float): Time of annotaiton duration. ''' __tablename__ = "track" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) track_n = Column(Integer) anno_task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('anno_task.idx')) name = Column(String(100)) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.idx')) iteration = Column(Integer) confidence = Column(Float) anno_time = Column(Float) twod_annos = relationship('TwoDAnno') annotator = relationship('User', uselist=False) def __init__(self, idx=None, track_n=None, anno_task_id=None, name=None, timestamp=None, user_id=None, iteration=None, confidence=None, anno_time=None ): self.idx = idx self.track_n = track_n self.anno_task_id = anno_task_id = name self.timestamp = timestamp self.user_id = user_id self.iteration = iteration self.confidence = confidence self.anno_time = anno_time class RequiredLabelLeaf(Base): '''A RequiredLabelLeaf Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. anno_task_id (int): label_leaf_id (int): max_labels (int): Max count of labels that can be assinged for a specific :class:`AnnoTask` max_depth (int): Maximal depth in a tree beginning from that LabelLeaf ''' __tablename__ = "required_label_leaf" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) anno_task_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('anno_task.idx')) label_leaf_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('label_leaf.idx')) max_labels = Column(Integer) # type: lost.db.model.LabelLeaf label_leaf = relationship("LabelLeaf", uselist=False) def __init__(self, anno_task_id=None, label_leaf_id=None, max_labels=None): self.anno_task_id = anno_task_id self.label_leaf_id = label_leaf_id self.max_labels = max_labels class Worker(Base): '''Represents a container with related worker that executes scripts. Attributes: idx (int): ID in database. env_name (str): Name that indicates the environment that is installed in this worker. worker_name (str): Unique name for a container/ worker. timestamp (DateTime): Last life sign of worker. register_timestamp (DateTime): Timestamp of first registration of a worker in LOST. resources (str): Json containing the available resources of a worker. in_progress (str): Json dict containing scripts that are currently executed by this worker. {'pipe_element_id': 'script_path',...} ''' __tablename__ = "worker" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) env_name = Column(String(100)) worker_name = Column(String(100)) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) register_timestamp = Column(DateTime()) resources = Column(Text) in_progress = Column(Text) def __init__(self, idx=None, env_name=None, worker_name=None, timestamp=None, register_timestamp=None, resources=None, in_progress=None): self.idx = idx self.env_name = env_name self.worker_name = worker_name self.timestamp = timestamp self.register_timestamp = register_timestamp self.resources = resources self.in_progress = in_progress class FileSystem(Base): '''FileSystem Args: idx (int): Id of entry. group_id (int): User or group who owns this filesystem. connection (str): Connection string to filesystem. root_path (str): Root path for this filesystem. fs_type (int): Filesystem type. timestamp (DateTime): Timestamp when filesystem was added to data base. name (str): Name of the filesystem deleted (bool): Indicates wether this datasource was deleted by a user, but needs to be keept for data consistency. editable (bool): Indicates wether this datasource is editable by the user. user_default_id (int): Id of the user who owns this filesystem as default filesystem Note: group_id is None if this filesystem is available for all users! user_default_id is None if this is not a default filesystem for any user! ''' __tablename__ = "filesystem" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('group.idx')) connection = Column(Text) root_path = Column(String(4096)) fs_type = Column(String(20)) timestamp = Column(DateTime()) name = Column(String(200)) deleted = Column(Boolean()) editable = Column(Boolean()) user_default_id = Column(Integer) def __init__(self, group_id=None, connection=None, root_path=None, fs_type=None, name=None, timestamp=None, deleted=False, editable=True, user_default_id=None): self.group_id = group_id self.fs_type = fs_type self.connection = connection self.root_path = root_path = name self.timestamp = timestamp self.deleted = deleted self.editable = editable self.user_default_id = user_default_id class Config(Base): __tablename__ = "config" idx = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(3072), unique=True) default_value = Column(Text) value = Column(Text) config = Column(Text) description = Column(Text) timestamp = Column(Integer) user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('user.idx')) is_user_specific = Column(Boolean) def __init__(self, idx=None, key=None, default_value=None, value=None, timestamp=None, user_id=None, description=None, config=None, is_user_specific=False,): self.idx = idx self.key = key self.default_value = default_value self.value = value self.config = config self.timestamp = timestamp self.user_id = user_id self.description = description self.is_user_specific = is_user_specific def to_dict(self): return { 'idx': self.idx, 'key': self.key, 'value': self.value, 'default_value': self.default_value, 'config': self.config, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'user_id': self.user_id, 'description': self.description, 'is_user_specific': self.is_user_specific }